Photographing these two was actually a riot. I actually love just watching people’s affections unfold in front of my camera. Anna and Matt were so comfortable with me hanging nearby (or more realistically: all up in their space). So joyful, so natural, and so in love. The best combination!
Very blessed to be photographing their wedding soon!
Sarah and Connor are very dear friends of mine. To witness this sweetest of moments was such an honor, as was being asked to photograph their wedding day.
It was a very, very hot day. I helped a couple other friends decorate this trellis—which Connor and his dad built—with wildflowers from the surrounding area, a very special spot to Sarah and Connor. I was crunched behind a bush in search of shade and a proper hiding place. I waited in the humidity for the moment to arrive, (I love the discomfort in this sort of waiting, because it’s so palpable with excitement—a sacred moment is about to happen.) and eventually I heard the faint sound of Connor’s voice. He was singing to her, songs he wrote, songs for her. His voice trailed along the wind and through the grass. It was muffled in the distance, but beautiful all the same, because it was filled with the same anticipation I felt in my waiting—only (obviously) amplified.
She said yes.
Friends were nearby, waiting to celebrate them and worship with them. The photo of the group all with their fists up makes me happy, because it’s referring to a movie our friend group has loved for a long time: Fantastic Mr. Fox. It’s a movie about wild animals, and it seems fitting.
Sarah and Connor are both wild, in their own dear ways. Poets, feelers, dancers, moment-drinker-in-ers. The barefoot, the kind. Basically hobbits. And I am so happy for them.